How To Get Rid of Blackheads Permanently

How to get rid of blackheads permanently home remediesBlackheads are a classic problem experienced by many women, especially women of Indonesia. By having bnayka Komedo on the face, resulting in the face seemed dirty and reduce confidence when speaking and dealing with our opponents.
How To Get Rid of Blackheads Permanently
How To Get Rid of Blackheads Permanently
Blackheads must be overcome, in order not to worsen. Do you already use a variety of ways to remove blackheads? Blackheads must be removed in the right way and the right, so that blackheads will completely disappear and the face becomes clean.
Here are some ways to remove blackheads naturally:
1. Perform Facial scrub (2minggu 1 times)
    Facial aims to slough off dead skin cells and replace it with a new skin cells are more fresh. If the dead skin cells are not immediately removed, it will increase the blackheads on your face. Facial mainly done on the T ie forehead, nose, and chin. Because this area is a very prone to blackheads.
2. Clean the face three times a day
    The face should be cleaned regularly because due menepel dirt on the skin such as dust, makeup, sweat and dead skin cells will accumulate and multiply blackheads. Use permbersih that fits your face and which contains anti-bacterial.
3. Egg whites
    Take the egg whites and pour in a clean container. Beat the egg whites until foamy. Then prepare cotton, cotton dipped in egg white and stick it on the face for blackheads area. Let stand 15 minutes until dry. As it dries, remove the cotton stick before, and blackheads will come up. Do this 2 times a week.
4. Avoid these foods: chocolate, milk chocolate, eggs, durian, peanuts, cheese, cream powder, ripe mango, all kinds of milk, coconut milk, fried foods, and meat. Expand to consume vegetables and fruits.
5. Make a blackhead cleanser mask using lemon juice, almond oil and glycerin. Apply to the face of blackheads. Allow a few moments, then rinse with warm water. This method can also help eliminate the black spots on the face.
6. Aloe Vera
    Break a few stems of aloe, then apply lkendirnya to the entire surface of the skin of blackheads. Allow a few moments, then rinse with warm water.
7. Orange Peel
    Take orange peel, lightly mist with a little water, and stick it on the face of blackheads. This technique is done at night before bed. let stand the orange peel on the face until tomorrow morning. then wash with warm water.
The above are some ways eliminate stubborn blackheads on the face. We wish you all the useful separately. Face clean, pretty mempersona.
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