How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your Face

How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your FaceHow to remove spots on the face is one of the things that many people search for when surfing the internet . Has a smooth face , clean , and bright it is ideal , especially for women . Therefore , if it appears spots are not invited in the face , certainly the appearance of being distracted and make less confident when outdoors.
How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your Face
How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your Face

Before finding out about how to cope in the face following spots spots , find out the cause. Usually a black spots annoying , and the cause is :
1. UV rays
Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause black spots appear on the face due to the occurrence of pigmentation in the skin.
2. Hormones
Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone overload can make spots and black spots on the face appears. Common in pregnant women or during menstruation.
3. Cosmetics
Excessive use of makeup causes the content of chemicals in it makes the skin hyperpigmentation in the face.
4. Genetic
This factor can not be avoided because it has descendants and written in a person's DNA. Some dark-skinned races tend to have risk are black spots on his face.
In addition to the above factors, the use of drugs also can make the spots appear on someone's face. The content of the drug will be buried under a layer of skin, continue to accumulate, causing stains are increasingly visible on the skin surface. In addition, the age factor can also affect. Increasing age of a person, the greater the risk of the emergence of black spots on the face.
How to Eliminate Black Spots on Face Naturally
For how to cope with freckles freckles on the face naturally, then some of the following recipes can help create a cleaner and brighter face, namely:
1. Onion
Sliced ​​onions, then rub on the skin which are black spots. Acid content in onion makes it able to lift dead skin cells, making the skin becomes brighter.
2. Lemon
Lemon split into two, then put in the water for 12 hours. Take juice or grain that has already broken down in the water, and rub on the skin that are stain. Let it sit for a few hours, then rinse.
3. Orange peel
Boil fresh orange peel to a boil, then strain until warm enough. Drink boiled water from the skin as much as 1 times a day, for 3 months. The skin will be smooth and black stains disappear.
4. Bengkoang
The skin of the yam can be used to eliminate spots on the face. Grated yam skin, and apply to the face, then let stand for 15 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. If done for 2 times a week, will face increasingly clean.
Indeed, you can try to eliminate black spots that appear on the face using creams or other beauty products that are sold in stores. However, not all products are safe or suitable for your skin. And would not it be better if utilizing natural ingredients in your kitchen, and less costly? Natural materials are no side effects and has proven its usefulness.