Perfect Connections Hair Extensions

This time the diamond you want a little beauty for you to share information loyal blog visitors diamond , where beauty is the need for us women . Intan want to talk about how to connect the hair is good and right . But prior to the discussion , for which no legal connection Muslim said hair , so diamond Sarani for which there is legal do not try.
Perfect Connections Hair Extensions
Perfect Connections Hair Extensions
Hair is the crown of women , so the presence of a woman's hair would look good , especially coupled with the number of treatments such as hair cream bath by choosing creambath doing good , then choosing the right hair vitamins for hair . All combined into one for beautiful hair . Besides, there are many more steps that beautiful hair like connecting hair . Connecting hair is not easy because should have its own technique , to the diamond would share it with you all the techniques , please read below.
1. Association
Temporary hair grafting technique known is menambahakn lines or dynamic volume of natural hair color. By using a special glue, extra hair can be attached to the roots. To prevent damage to the original hair, extra hair should be removed after a few days. In addition, bonding technique has other way is to use a wig glued with medical adhesive. Bonding techniques (bond) has two types of bonding soft and hard bond.
2.Menjahit / Tracking
In this technique, the original hair to be braided into the hair ends, which is called the "Track". To get the 'Track' specifically, the connection must be made up of several tracks. All hair must be braided and placed at the head then covered with netting. Once the hair extensions will be sewn with braids, in accordance with the track and the desired style.
This technique gives hair extensions look natural and versatile. Risks associated with hair loss and menyebebkan damage to the scalp, this technique often used because it is not as popular as bonding and sewing techniques.
4.Net Weaving

Net weaving or woven net is another solution to solve the problem of hair loss or baldness hair. This technique is used in a way the original hair braiding and coats the hair to be connected with a thin film layer. In this technique the extra hair attached to real hair does not have a negative impact on real hair.